Summer School Online
August, 30th - September, 4th
Application Deadline
July 7, 2021
2021 Theme
Digital Exhibitions
DAHSS2021 aspires to delve into the notion of digital exhibitions and their complexity proposing to participants to work together in a common project from different perspectives.
The course has a theoretical-practical orientation: theoretical exchange and critical discussions will be combined with practical sessions (lab-based sessions) through which participants will work collaboratively. The results will be publicly presented on the last day of the course.
The course is organized around five tracks:
Track A - Digital Display Spaces @gregniemeyer
Track B - Data Science @HxxxKxxx
Track C - 3D Data, Modeling, and Rendering @artdotRIP
Track D - AI + Computer Vision @LeoImpett
Track E - Natural Language Processing @YadiraLizamaMue
100€ with places for 50 participants.
For more information
Please visit: https://dahss.iarthislab.eu/2021/
The application period is now open (until July 7th, 2021) at: https://dahss.iarthislab.eu/2021/applications/