
A space for media art and exceptional art historical visualizations


The DAHJ Gallery is an online space for media art and exceptional art historical visualizations, hosted by the International Journal for Digital Art History.

Please check back for the next featured exhibition.

Previously Featured

Greg Niemeyer and Roger Antonsen

Greg Niemeyer and Roger Antonsen

Water Panorama Series by Greg Niemeyer

Water Panorama Series by Greg Niemeyer

'A Kind of Alchemy': The Work of Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Marc Grumpinger

Marc Grumpinger

Absurdist Electronics Exhibition

Absurdist Electronics: Wearable Coping Mechanisms, Techno-anxiety, and Thoughts on Dada, a retrospective of Kathleen McDermott’s work.

Keep Yourself Clean by VOLNA

Keep Yourself Clean by VOLNA

Zonas de contacto: Art History in a Global Network?