Monday, 17 January - Friday, 21 January 2022
The Belvedere Research Center is continuing its conference series on the digital transformation of art museums with its fourth event on the topic. The COVID-19 pandemic, and our resultant inability to experience proximity to people and objects, has given the matter additional “virulence” in museums. Although the topic of digitization was gaining ground before the pandemic, the measures taken against the virus created a very special experimental arrangement in which the digital presence of museums was no longer merely a possible extension of exhibition spaces but rather the only way to reach the public. While the focus of our 2021 conference explored the premise of a crisis-induced return to the museum’s own collections, this time it shifts to questions beyond binary concepts, such as media specificity, hybridity, and mixed reality. In five thematic blocks, the lectures of the online conference by international experts deal with how the digital and the analogue can be productively, conceptually, and aesthetically interwoven in a museum setting.
5.00 pm
Welcome & Introduction
Stella Rollig; Christian Huemer; Anna-Marie Kroupova (Belvedere, Vienna)
Panel 1: Audience Engagement
Moderation: Sabine Fauland (Austrian Museums Association, Graz)
5.20 pm
Everyone’s and Just Yours. Wikimedia, Audience, and Openness at the National Gallery of Art, Washington
Benjamin Zweig (National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.)5.45 pm
Die MuseumsMenschen-App im Schaudepot. Ein intergeneratives, partizipatives Pilotprojekt an der Schnittstelle von analog und digital
Hanna Brinkmann; Anja Grebe (Donau-Universität Krems); Melanie N. Lopin (Stadtmuseum Korneuburg)6.10 pm
Sonic Enhancement of Virtual Exhibits
Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco; Michael Tymkiw (University of Essex)7.00 pm
Keynote Lecture
Moderation: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
The Universal Museum and its Digital Expansion
Max Hollein (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Panel 2: Interwoven Worlds
Moderation: Nicole High-Steskal (Donau-Universität Krems)
5.00 pm
Das Verhältnis von original-digital-virtuell
Werner Schweibenz (MusIS, University of Konstanz)5.25 pm
Digital Ekphrasis. Creating Emily Dickinson’s Cultural Heritage
Kayla Shipp (Emory University, Atlanta)5.50 pm
Virealität. Modus Operandi digitaler Kunstvermittlung der Hamburger Kunsthalle
Anja Gebauer; Katharina Hoins; Andrea Weniger (Hamburger Kunsthalle)6.15 pm
Rethinking the Collection Catalogue. Hybrid Publishing at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Brigid M. Boyle (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City)